Attention Golf Enthusiasts ….. Limited Time Opportunity To Work with a Licensed Golf Performance Specialist

Master Your Swing's Hidden Roadblocks: Discover The 16 Areas Of The Body That MUST Move Better To Unlock Your Golf Game’s TRUE Potential with Licensed Physical Therapist | Golf Sports Performance Specialist Dr. Jim Storhok

  • Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) Certified

  • TPI Medical Level 2 Certified

  • TPI Power Level 2 Certified

  • TPI Juniors Level 2 Certified

  • As Seen on NBC, FOX, CBS, ABC

  • Licensed Physical Therapist Specializing in Golf Sports Performance

  • Bachelor's degree in Sports Medicine/Athletic Training from Central Michigan University

  • Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Oakland University

  • Founder of Peak Performance Golf

The key to unlocking your golf game’s true potential is to zone in with pin point accuracy the physical limitations that you have, and treat those physical limitations specifically!

It doesn’t matter how many technical lessons or drills you perform if your body doesn’t move like it’s supposed to.

You’ll stay stuck and frustrated with your inability to shave strokes off your scorecard if you don’t find out the root cause of your performance issues…

Which almost always is a PHYSICAL LIMITATION.

You can take technical lessons from a golf pro until the cows come home and still lack results because your body has either a movement problem or a strength problem…and usually a combination of them both!

Discover what 16 areas of the body need to move optimally, and why all 16 are CRITICAL to the efficiency of your golf swing!

If you are deficient in certain areas of the body, it is highly predictive of mechanical swing characteristics that are most likely holding you back from increasing club head speed and shooting lower scores!

Here’s what included When Working With Dr. Jim and Peak Performance Golf:

  • 1-1 Training with a Doctor of Physical Therapy Who Specializes in Golf Sports Performance

  • 16-Point Full Body Golf Physical Assessment

  • Tailored Video Based Introductory Golf Home Exercise Program From Titleist

  • Discover your Initial Golf Fitness Handicap

  • Personalized Golf Based Exercises to Improve Any Physical Limitations To Optimal Swing

  • Access to advanced video library from Peak Performance Golf

Now you can …..

  • Increase Distance off The Tee With Higher Club Head Speed

  • Reduce Pain Before, During & After Your Round of Golf

  • Increase Longevity - Play Into Your Golden Years!

  • Increase Your Enjoyment On The Course

Here’s a FACT: a symmetrical swing is a mechanically efficient swing…

If you have physical limitations that are creating negative swing characteristics that you don't even know about, you'll struggle to make consistently flush contact with the ball… you’ll NEVER play good golf… or be able to TRULY enjoy this great game.

And you will be left always searching for answers or the next quick fix.

But here’s the good news…

It doesn’t matter whether you just picked up a club for the first time…

Or you’ve been playing for 10, 20, or even 30 years and just can’t make consistent contact…

You'll gain more power, improve swing mechanical efficiency, and reduce risk of injury working with Dr. Jim & Peak Performance Golf!

Meet Dr. Jim Storhok

We are Doctors of Physical Therapy who provide a tailored prescription for the

serious golfer who is seeking to lower their handicap through pin-point accurate analysis and physical training focusing on symmetrical movement, strength and power.

At PPG, we focus on serving the serious golfer because they understand that…

  • You’re either getting better or you’re getting worse…

  • You’re either getting stronger or you’re getting weaker…

  • You’re either gaining golf specific flexibility or you’re getting tighter…

  • You’re either progressing towards your golf goals or you’re not…

  • Continuing to do the same thing over and over and expecting to get a different result is the definition of insanity…

So if you are currently not where you want to be with your golf game…

  • Short off the tee…

  • Inconsistent strikes…

  • Stiff and sore…

  • Losing the ability to play the amount of golf you want to each season…

  • It’s time to make a change, and train with the Doctors at Peak Performance Golf…

  • We have the prescription to help you get unstuck and moving forward towards…

  • Longer, more consistent shots…

  • Higher club head speed…

  • Symmetric strength and movement…

  • Less pain before, during and after your round…

  • Endurance and longevity in golf…

If you’re ready to stop the insanity and start moving toward your peak performance, it’s time to get started with us…

Your golf score will thank you.


Steve G

I spent about two hours working with Dr. Jim where he worked with my flexibility as well as activation of my core and glutes. As a result, the increased hip rotation I now have in combination with the improved back flexibility has allowed me to use more of my core and less of my arms in my backswing and follow through. I am now hitting the ball further with seemingly less effort! I physically feel much more comfortable on the golf course, have picked up 15 yards in driving distance, and knocked four to six strokes off my average score. Before buying that new set of clubs, I would definitely consider Jim's professional services.

Mike V

Just went to record a few swings with my body. Feels effortless right now. Cant wait for what is to come. Thanks so much! I'm glad our paths crossed.

Matt T

So Had a "aHa" moment at the range on my lunch break. Just said let my legs drive the swing. Then just started smashing it. It wouldn't have been possible without you identifying those weaknesses in my body. Just going to keep working on it!

Phil B

"I would say Mobility improvement directly results in game improvement. I was giving the consultation with Dr. Jim as a birthday gift from my Grandma, and before it was over, I knew I was signing up for more. I've taken what he teaches and utilize some aspect of it prior to every round and have seen more consistency in my game along with increasing distance without swinging harder. It's said correlation does not imply causation, but this being the only thing I've newly added to my golf routine, I shot my personal best of 79 this year."



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